Thursday, February 21, 2008

The Drinking Chronicles - Part 1 of many

This past week has been a good one for me. My work seems to be going along pretty well... but more importantly I also was able to catch up with few of my friends. It has been a long time since I had gone out drinking.. in fact i think i went out maybe only twice this year (huh... what's wrong with me!!). But all that changed last week once I was done with my deadlines. I payed visit to a couple of my old hangouts and had my usual drinks (Johnnie Walker on the rocks and Iced Tea, the Long Island kind). I also found out that I suck at darts even when I am sober.

Bar Sightings:
1. Witnessed a rather interesting session going on between three people in the bar which became an interesting topic of discussion as the night progressed!!

2. Was surprised to see a bar was completely empty when we went in. Even this one guy who is like always there (as if he lives in the bar) wasn't present... and then we see him.... phew.. the world made sense again!

3. Never knew that some people could tie cherry stem knots with their tongue and teeth... interesting!!!

Among other news I hate the fucking rodent who woke up early just to tell everyone that it couldn't see its shadow.

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